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Behavioral Health Services

Backed by the Better Business Bureau, and as an organization of licensed Principals, Teachers, and Practitioners, we are Preferred Providers for Clark County Department of Juvenile Justice, DFS, DCFS, foster agencies, The Harbor, schools for family advocacy, the Nevada System of Care, and more. We are participants of the Clark County Children's Mental Health Consortium and believe that the mind and heart govern the body in its power to influence behavior and often needs adjustment. Rehabilitative thinking, behavior modification and management is one of our specialties. We are compelled to supp​ort all people; most especially children and youth as we couple our work with mentorship, academics, tutoring, and incentives. We provide the best care for:

  • Drug and Alcohol Treatment
  • Addiction services
  • Bereavement
  • Dual Diagnosis Assessment
  • ASAM Assessment
  • Pain management
  • Medication management
  •  IOP groups
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Individual, Group and Family therapy 
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Dissociative disorders 
  • Biofeedback 
  • BST
  • PSR
  • Stress & Wellness Assessment
  • Personality & Career Assessment
  • Teletherapy
  • Crisis intervention and management
  • Creative Arts Therapy

  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

  • Dialectic Behavior Therapy

  • Gestalt Therapy

  • Holistic Therapy

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Case Management

  • Education Services

  • NWEA MAP Growth Academic Assessments 

  • K-12th Grade

Certified Biofeedback Technicians 

As a measure of Quality Assurance, all Spirit & Mind providers are trained and certified by the Founder who is nationally certified in Biofeedback Heart rate Variability. (HRV) feedback is an exciting new technology that has broad-based holistic application in stress reduction, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement.Biofeedback has facilitated rapid and profound improvements in conditions such as depression, anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD and ADHD

The ability to shift away from unhelpful emotional responses is central to overall well-being and to effectively meeting the demands of life. One of the chief symptoms of events such as trauma, that overwhelm our capacities to successfully handle and adapt to them, is a shift in our internal baseline reference such that there ensues a repetitive activation of the traumatic event. This can result in high vigilance and over-sensitivity to environmental

signals which are reflected in inappropriate emotional responses and autonomic nervous system dynamics. The coherence hypothesis suggests that the coherent flow of information within and between the physiological systems and processes in the central and ANS (autonomic nervous system) and body plays an important role in determining the quality of the feelings and emotions one experiences.


Our IOP groups are held in a  structured setting in which to work towards overcoming the symptomatology of mental health diagnosis. We teach coping skills and provide a structured and calming environment where interaction with peers, licensed therapists, and mental health professionals teach cutting edge (SEL) Social Emotional  curriculum. Our goal is to help people find internal and external balance. For troubled youth, teens, and young adults, we use a Social Emotional Learning  curriculum approved and aligned with CCSD and Charter schools.  Through this powerful curriculum, we help people of all ages to recognize and validate the importance of successful relationships with self and others in multiple environments, including schools. There is cross-cutting improvement in school, home, work, and play. 

Our groups are content and age appropriate for: 

  • Children
  • Teens
  • Adults

Education Services

  • NWEA MAP Growth Academic Assessments for K-12th  Testing administered by licensed principals and teachers 
  • Viable data reports
  • Remote Testing with Lockdown browsers 

We Offer Cutting Edge Support for Families


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